Our History


We were serving in the South of Thailand when the Lord gave us
a dream of what He was calling us to do.


We obeyed and moved back to Chiang Kham, and rented a house
in a village just outside the town. Initially Pastor Sayan was pastoring and Siriporn opened a Child Care Centre (i.e. a day care) to help look after local kids.


As we began to discover more of the challenges facing girls from Hill
Tribe communities, we took in a small number of girls into our own
home to help them get an education and have a better start in life.


God began to connect us with a small number of Christian friends from
other countries whose hearts were touched to get involved
in supporting the work we were doing. God linked us with Hans Heidelberger and the Nehemiah International Network, Glenn Sheppard of International Prayer Ministries and countless others. Through these connections, significant partnerships developed for the HOB.


A first basic dorm was built on the site that is now the Home of Blessing
and we were able to take in a slightly larger group of girls.


The Home of Blessing ministry expanded and new buildings were built.
Some of the buildings took years to build because the money would
come in bit by bit. We also grew in number and were able to
accommodate up to 120 girls.

Want to make a difference?

Your giving will help us impact communities and champion Hill Tribe girls.