About Us


In 1989, God put it on the hearts of Sayan & Siriporn Kusavadee to do something about the needs of Hill Tribe girls from their region of Northern Thailand.

Initially, we took some girls in need into our own family home. We love and care for the girls, and give them opportunities to learn of their own value, get to know Christ, and receive a good education in local schools. Over time this has grown to be bigger than something based out of our own family home. But the goal and passion of our hearts is the same.

With the support of others, we have built dedicated dormitories, dining and meeting halls, homework rooms and more.


We cultivate our own rice and vegetables and raise chickens, ducks, pigs, and fish.


Each year we have between 90-120 girls living here. Hundreds of girls have passed through the Home of Blessing since 1992 and have gone on to different walks of life including teaching, nursing, Christian ministry, homemaking, farming, and much else.


Many continue to follow Jesus and their lives are making a practical and spiritual difference in their communities.

How can people partner with us?

This ministry exists through the financial support and love of friends and partners in various parts of the world.

Rev. Dr. Sayan Kusavadee


Mrs. Siriporn Kusavadee


Rev. Dr. Sayan & Siriporn Kusavadee

Founders and Directors of the Home of Blessing

Following early training in ordained Christian ministry (Sayan) and nursing (Siriporn), the Kusavadees started the Home of Blessing out of their own home in 1989. Since that time they have been privileged to support and champion hundreds of Hill Tribe girls who have passed through the Home of Blessing.

Alongside this, they are also active in preaching, teaching, prayer ministry, and apostolic leadership in the Thai Church. The Kusavadees have three adult children of their own who are all married and actively engage in the work of the Home of Blessing. They are blessed with five grandchildren.